Le fabuleux Marcel de Bruxelles

dinsdag 5 november 2013

Le Fabuleux Marcel de Bruxelles has always been a household name for tanktops and underwear. LFMDB opened a temp pop-up shop at the Lombardenvest in Antwerp, where they will house 'till further notice. 
Designer Kaat Blommaert added some extra basics to make a complete(r) collection for this venue. 
Check it out and get a Marcelleken (we like the grey ones) before it goes !

2 opmerkingen :

  1. Hi!
    Wonderful blog!
    Would you like to follow each other? (GFC, bloglovin, facebook)
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  2. Amazing blog ; )) You've got great photos. xoxo
    Would you like to follow each other with GFC and bloglovin ? Pls let me know <3



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