Stormy weather ..

donderdag 5 december 2013

Arctic storms and huge waves will hit our coast and country today. Battering strong wind predicts what's about to come. So, what better than stay indoors and do some Christmas prop prepping.
I decided my table will be covered in white & gold ; I started to paint all these cute (non) christmassy creatures with a white universal satin paint. Once they are completely covered, I use some transparent  nailpolish as a base for my gold powder .. 
For our Christmas brunch, I will place them in jars covered in fake snow and little golden balls.
I promise to share a picture afterwards.
What will your table setting look like ?

2 opmerkingen :

  1. Geniaal idee! Dat ik daar nu nooit zelf op ben gekomen. :)

  2. lovely pics and super cute cat :)


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