Kirilove event for Essentiel 

Everybody in Fashionistaland knows Tiany Kiriloff. She's often portrayed on famous fashionblogs like The Sartorialist, Stockholm Streetstyle and many more ..
Today, I had the chance to officially meet beautiful Tiany (one of my personal fashion icons) and Inge  Onsea of Belgian label Essentiel. Tiany did a collab with Essentiel for women and girls. Being a mother herself of 2 lovely daughters, Tiany knows exactly what little fashionista's want ! 

Thank you ladies, for the invitation - you're both precious to me.

Check out the collection in their Antwerp store (or any other store around the world) or shop in the cosy environment of your home online 

Barbie was eagerly waiting to get dressed in a lovely Essentiel outfit ! 

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