Time to inhale some inspiration

vrijdag 25 oktober 2013

I am off for a couple of days ; can't believe how fast time flies. It's only been a couple of weeks since my last trip. Got my new camera in tow and worked out some of the settings to try out. 
On top of my new camera I am also very pleased to have set a date to subscribe myself in January for lessons in digital photography. 
My life is going to change a lot once my sabbatical starts. I can't express how much I am looking forward to that. Hope to make myself very usefull too, socially. I'd like to work with and for people that aren't as fortunate as we are ; Moeders for Moeders (mother for mothers) takes in volunteers that put up their sleeves and help out in their activities to make life a little easier for the less fortunate. 
So, I'm pretty sure I will bring some inspiring stories to this blog. Life is just a little bit more than fashion and streetstyle looks.

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