
Although it's just a myth magpies love anything bling, I felt like one today.
I've never had the chance to see the Dries van Noten HQ in Antwerp until today.
Even Mr C wanted to see it and made me buy fabrics from the previous collections.
He knows I have a soft spot for scarfs so we choose some amazing fabrics to get creative at home.
They are so beautiful and precious I'm reluctant to cut these up so soon ; I'm just afraid I will make this huge pattern mistake and all fabrics will be lost !
So I'm looking at them, neatly folded till I'm confident enough to actually turn them into something nice.
On our way out we checked out the clothes and this absolutely amazing sleeveless jacket screamed out at me to try it on {for fun sakes}
It looked amazing ! So as an extra Mother's day gift, Mr C got me this stunning bling jacket !
Love it !

Hope you moms out there had a wonderful day too ! 

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